Things I Loved about Avengers:Infinity War

The epic, long-awaited, ultimate superhero-crossover movie in cinema history has finally come. And gone. This has given us enough time to look back at the movie, talk, discuss, debate and my favourite part - Wild Theories. I know I'm a little late to this party, but maybe it was what destiny had in mind. And by now we all know, "Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives". Anyway, that's a topic for another day. For now we'll just look at things that were completely awesome about Avengers: Infinity War Part I. So let's get into it.

Also for those of you who haven't watched the movie yet (What's wrong with you?).

!!!Spoilers Ahead!!!

Battles. Battles. And more Battles

Right off the bat, this Marvel Superhero Showdown has some of the best battles that we have witnessed in the entire MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Along with that, the fact that there are an insane number of characters going at it all at the same time is just incredible. And boy, do they pull it off ? Although, the final New York battle of the first Avengers movie is still one of the greatest cinematic superhero battles,but by the end of Infinity War, we realize why they chose to name it, you guessed it, Infinity WAR.

High Stakes

Yes, there are an insane number of battles in the film. However, what good are fight scenes if there aren't any stakes involved. Hence, what Infinity War does is that it takes all the stakes and then multiplies it by half the universe. THE UNIVERSE. I mean, fighting to save the Earth is all fine and cool, but when you know that once Thanos gets hold of all the six Infinity Stones, all he has to do is - snap. And puff. There goes everything. And when it actually happens you realize that Thanos doesn't bluff. Which means that we finally have....

A good bad guy

Over the years, one of the few criticisms that the MCU has faced is that the villains, as characters, are too weak. Or they aren't bad enough. Or they hardly pose a threat to the heroes. I shared a similar opinion too. And then Thanos came along. The Mad Titan. The man who cares about maintaining the balance of the universe. You know the bad is guy is too good when he almost kills the God of Thunder, only takes a few minutes to defeat the Incredible Hulk in hand-to-hand combat, outsmarts Doctor Strange and throws a moon (a whole, freaking MOON) at Iron Man. Yet, he does all of this without even having all six of the Infinity Stones. God Bless the Universe.

Earth's Mightiest Heroes

Well, the original ones - Iron Man, Thor, The Hulk, Captain America and Black Widow - absolutely steal the show. They light up the screen just with their presence and you can't help but feel nostalgic about the fact that it's been more than half a decade since we first saw them in action. And then you also have the recent additions - Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, The Guardians - who are able to hold their own despite being relatively new to the MCU. Watching all of these characters together, we now know that the future of the MCU is in safe hands. 


Being a huge fan of the MCU as well as the DCEU (DC Extended Universe), I can't help but wonder as to why Justice League, of all DECU movies, was just 2 hours long. Although I loved the movie, it actually felt rushed because of the duration. On the other hand, Avengers:Infinity War proves that when you have the biggest superheroes of your cinematic universe in action together, you need more than just 120 minutes to reach full potential. Apart from a few scenes and moments (looking at you Vision and Scarlet Witch), Infinity War totally justifies having a longer than usual run-time because in the end you actually feel like having watched an epic crossover of the greatest superheroes.

Great Dialogues. One-liners. Superhero-Chemistry

These are some of the things that have become an integral part of Marvel films. With every passing movie, we expect Marvel to deliver on this front no matter what. So, does the film live up to these expectations? Hell yeah, it does. Infinity War gives us some of the best one-liners in the MCU history. Even the chemistry that the characters share is quite visible and thoroughly entertaining to watch. And when you have plenty of characters interacting for the first time on-screen, you get some fascinating and funny moments like : Captain America introducing himself to Groot, Iron Man and Doctor Strange having a hard time getting over their own personal egos, The Guardians meeting Thor for the first time, Bruce Banner bowing down before Black Panther and my personal favourite, "Why is Gamora?".

The Ending

Avengers:Infinity War ends with half of the universe dead for good. Thanos is alive, healed and according to some theories he is actually at Gamora's home planet, watching the sun set (such a peaceful guy). Anyway, in the end all we are left with is literally just a handful of characters, or more precisely we are left with only the original Avengers and few others. Even though we all knew it was going to happen, it was no less fascinating to watch it all unfold in the way that it did. It has obviously left fans open to speculation about the fate of the remaining Avengers as well as the ones who are supposedly dead. So now all we could possibly do is wait (Apart from coming up with Wild Theories). Wait for the second coming of Thanos. Wait for Iron Man to figure out Doctor Strange's cryptic message. Wait for Avengers: Endgame.


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